Feb 14 2025 69 mins 1
First there was a cringey Thanksgiving with a sack full of turkey. Then there was a cringey Christmas alien with a magic mirror, and a magic… you know what. And now, we bring to you: a very cringey Valentine’s Day featuring old timey detective vampires and a sweet stalker with Dexter-like tendencies.
Today Ashley and Liz give our two cents on two holiday themed novellas we may not have picked up if it weren’t for our love of this series: Valentine’s Day With A Vampire by Tabitha Lovelace and Little Lies and Valentines by Lashell Rain.
We’ll give you our star and spice ratings, a basic overview of the plot, and then get into our likes and dislikes, reviews, and whether or not these books are “valentines-y” enough.
And don’t worry… we take you wayyy back to Millennial town with conversation hearts, SNL references, homemade valentine cards, Blink 182, 7th Heaven, and a smash or pass with a sexy deer and a grumpy dragon.
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Check out these author interviews? ⬇️
We interviewed Callie Hart all about her NYT Bestseller Quicksilver! | https://youtu.be/CED5s7qDBdQ?si=8xtIRO1IzX6Rsld4
Check the official Author Interview with Lindsay Straube of Split or Swallow! Now a Barnes & Noble & Amazon best seller titled: Kiss of the Basilisk! | https://youtu.be/fknhocSNIKM
Watch our Author Interview with Indie Dark Romance Author Ember Nicole here | https://youtu.be/tHV9rXSTBpY?si=OwxdMVfPmtFkcYu6
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Shop bookish apparel worn in this episode!
Ashley is Wearing: “Bryce Quinlan” Hoodie by @lionheartthreads | Use Code: LIZ15 to save! | https://www.etsy.com/listing/1556566407/officially-licensed-bryce-quinlan?click_key=d0efd5d21207c5632de0eb38fa6a9e39941f1c9a%3A1556566407&click_sum=642d061b&ref=shop_home_active_73&frs=1&sts=1
Liz is Wearing: “I Still Read Fairytales” Crewneck by @shadowboundspines | https://shadowboundspines.com/products/i-still-read-fairytales-just-for-the-villains-now-crewneck?_pos=2&_psq=fairyt&_ss=e&_v=1.0
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