Jun 20 2019 39 mins
Most of what you do is controlled by your paradigm. What is paradigm you may ask? It's a mental program that has exclusive control of your habitual behaviors and almost all of your behaviors is habitual. Therefore how can I take control of my life if everything I do is habitual? This is the topic of today... What are you thoughts about this topic?
[2:45] How can you get your paradigm aligned with where you want to go in life?
[8:01] You need to work on your paradigm shift daily
[10:22] “The result will take care of itself if you put in all of your attention on the action you’ve taken”
[16:15] Don’t stop pushing yourself
[17:22] “Increase is the natural progression of every living being”
[23:38] Don’t be afraid to explore things in more detail
[25:44] “Only those who gain more gratitude retain any”
[30:42] Don’t let outside factors dictate how you live your life
[35:12] Ignoring your intuition is interrupting the process