This week on the pod we’re shaking things up and delving into the exciting world of mastering your money mindset with the one and only Money Coach @kimkent__
Kim is renowned for her work with ambitious women striving to break free from the confines of their money stories and embrace a life of abundance.
Tune in to hear about
Kim’s Money Coaching Journey
Ever wondered how someone becomes a money coach? Well, Kim spills the tea on her own journey into the world of financial empowerment! 🌟 From her personal experiences to the lightbulb moments that led her to this empowering career, Kim shares the deets on her path to helping women boss up their bank accounts!
Cracking the Common Money Code
Get ready to uncover the secrets of financial freedom as Kim shares the common themes she sees among her fabulous clients! 🙌 From banishing those limiting beliefs to embracing a mindset of abundance, Kim’s got the keys to unlock your money mojo and strut your stuff in the world of finance!
Money Mindset Magic for Mini-Moguls
Kim’s dishing out some serious wisdom on how to teach your little ones the ABCs of money management!
Navigating Your Money Journey
Kim shares details of her signature programs to help you nail your money mindset and build a life without money stress.
If you loved this episode babes, don’t forget to show us some love by rating and reviewing the show on your favorite podcast platform! 🌟
Join us next week for another dose of empowerment, inspiration, and fierce female vibes! Until then, keep slaying, keep shining, and remember: your financial fabulosity starts now! 💋