The Hidden Heart of the Lost Library of Elysium

Episode Artwork
0% played 00:00 00:00
Jun 02 2024 38 mins  

My name is Asteria Blackwell, and I am the High Priestess of the Library of Elysium - a library once lost for eons but now found. Join me as I journey into the forgotten depths and into a world of tales hidden within these sacred halls.

Like a modern-day Virgil, I have become a guide to this magical space - and in this episode, we travel to the darkest depths where the library's beating heart lives on. This is not a pleasant story, it's a story of scars and regret, but perhaps, after today, it may unfold into something new.

This tale has left a permanent mark on my own heart, so proceed with caution around your own. The task of remembering can be a heavy one...

But!Before we venture into such depths, we will catch up on the latest news from Elysium, and also get a fresh batch of oracles from Big Midge. Please join me, for you are meant to be here.

Instagram: @asteriablackwell

Email Big Midge the Oracle: [email protected]
Email Asteria: [email protected]

Written and Narrated by Sandy Lynn.
All copyrights reserved. May 2024.

Intro and Outro Music:

Adrift Among Infinite Stars, by Scott Buckley
Song: Scott Buckley - Adrift Among Infinite Stars
License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)
Music powered by BreakingCopyright:

Main Episode Music:

The Long Dark, by Scott Buckley
Song: Scott Buckley - The Long Dark
License: Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0)
Music powered by BreakingCopyright:

Scott Buckley Patreon: