Aug 29 2024 13 mins 5
In this episode of the Style POV podcast, host Gabrielle Arruda guides listeners through the four stages of developing a personal style: preparation and exploration, incubation, illumination, and verification. Gabrielle explains how each stage involves unique processes, from gathering relevant information about body design and analyzing wardrobe preferences to the subconscious sifting of ideas, achieving 'aha' moments, and finally refining style choices through practice. The episode emphasizes creativity as a universal trait and stresses the importance of patience and evolution in cultivating a style that is authentic and true to oneself.
Full Show Notes Ep 23
Textures Episode
Dream Style Video
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Disclaimer: The Style POV Podcast content is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. The views expressed by hosts and guests are their own. Gabrielle Arruda is not liable for any errors or omissions, and listeners use the information at their own risk.