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Jul 14 2024 7 mins  

The Prologue to the Book of Sirach: verses 1-3

1 Of the many great things given to us through the law and the prophets and through others who followed them, we should praise Israel for instruction and wisdom. Not only should those who read gain understanding, but also those who love learning should be able to help outsiders understand both through speaking and writing.

2 Thus my grandfather Jesus especially devoted himself to reading the law and the prophets and other books of the fathers. So he acquired sufficient skill in these, and himself was led to write something fitting for instruction and wisdom, that lovers of learning might become involved in these things as well, and especially, in addition to this, might live a life according to the law.

3 Therefore you are encouraged to read with good will and attention and to do your reading with allowances made in cases where, although we worked hard in translating, we may seem to render a phrase inadequately. For what was said in Hebrew in itself does not have equal force when it is translated into another language. Not only this, but also the law itself and the prophets and the rest of the books differ not a little as originally spoken.

Music track: Candy by lofizoo_music
Source: https://pixabay.com/music/
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