Apr 30 2024 42 mins
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What does life look like when frequent migraines sap your energy? How do you find meaning in this context? Host Rachel Katz explores this question with Substack writer Amber Horrox, who shares her journey with chronic illness in her newsletter, Warrior Within. From grappling with the inability to work to overcoming medical skepticism and chronic illness grief, Rachel and Amber cover topics like medical research and trusting personal experiences. Amber's shift in mindset from "control to creation" inspired us to reframe the experience of managing chronic illness and hope that it does the same for you.
😊 Amber’s links:
- Warrior Within newsletter: https://warriorwithin.substack.com/
- LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/amber-horrox-69a94010/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amberhorrox/
- Yoga class for writers: https://warriorwithin.substack.com/p/a-yoga-class-for-writers
- Case study: https://warriorwithin.substack.com/p/warrior-unleashed-a-shedding-of-self
- Amber's list of resources: https://warriorwithin.substack.com/p/resources-that-shaped-my-recovery
👁🗨 Conference: Migraine World Summit
Learn from the Migraine and Headache Experts - Migraine World Summit
📕 Books:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, Stephen R. Covey. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/36072
Finding Peace with a Devastating Disease: Reflections on Endometriosis: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/57210352
🔥 Rachel's Substack, Inner Workings: https://raekatz.substack.com/
✨ Ladies Illness Library written interviews: https://raekatz.substack.com/s/ladies-illness-library
🎶Music "Upbeat Defiant Challenge Funky Groove" by Uroboros Music, licensed through Audio Jungle