Jun 30 2024 43 mins
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Ever feel like you're battling some kind of weird, unexplainable health issue that even doctors can't seem to get a grip on? Writer and influencer Sara Tasker gets refreshingly honest about her decades-long journey with chronic fatigue, narcolepsy, dysautonomia, and a whole mess of other “invisible illnesses.” She also opens up about having to completely redefine her idea of success and fulfillment. Despite all the difficulties, Sara shares with us her delightful humor and a new type of hope for the future.
Sara’s info:
- Substack: https://meandorla.substack.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/me_and_orla/
- Book: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40537617-hashtag-authentic
- Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7gc2VaQoB1vfJn3VN2rudj
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SaraTaskerme
🔥 Rachel's Substack, Inner Workings: https://raekatz.substack.com/
✨ Ladies Illness Library written interviews: https://raekatz.substack.com/s/ladies-illness-library
🎶Music "Upbeat Defiant Challenge Funky Groove" by Uroboros Music, licensed through Audio Jungle