Aug 30 2024 57 mins
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What happens when chronic illness forces you to prioritize your life’s passions? In this conversation, Rachel Katz interviews Erica Vipond, a fiction writer diagnosed with a nerve-affecting autoimmune condition, to explore how these challenges reshaped her creative priorities. Erica shares how her chronic pain led her to let go of less vital pursuits, like a magazine she created, to focus solely on writing—her lifelong passion. Us type A-s know how hard it is to let go of a goal, right? Sometimes it’s just what we need to do to adjust to a new reality. This is the story of how Erica did just that.
Erica's info:
- Website:
- Instagram: @EricaVipondAuthor_
- Substack newsletter:
- Her book, Starling Darling, will officially publish in October but pre-order announcements will be shared through my Substack in September.
🔥 Rachel's Substack, Inner Workings:
✨ Ladies Illness Library written interviews:
🎶Music "Upbeat Defiant Challenge Funky Groove" by Uroboros Music, licensed through Audio Jungle