Welcome to Why Not?!, Episode 12: “See No Crystar, Speak No Spider-Man, Hear No Marrina”
SIDE QUESTS! This episode we dig into two issues that present more…ephemera(?!) in Alpha Flight’s history. And while the second issue discussed is just plain bizarre, the first one featuring everyone’s favorite friendly neighborhood superhero is an absolute delight. Oh, and we added more sound effects.
In this episode, Chris:
- is really into the idea of an Aunt May podcast (you can make this happen!)
- may or may not want to make a throuple with the Simonsons
- goes on another helmet related rant, which Tom promptly crushes
- delights in what an absolute pro Louise Simonson is. Seriously, she crushes it
and Tom:
- “adjusts” the Marvel cosmic-being pantheon
- makes Chris sad by imagining a world where Louise Simonson took over Alpha Flight after Byrne
- imagines another, better world where Brian K. Vaughan writes a version of The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior
- wonders right along with you, dear listeners, why opera gloves are a thing Chris would even mention
Issues covered:
Marvel Team Up Annual #7, - “The Collected Spider-Man” - cover date Halloween 1984
Written by Louise SImonson
Penciled by Paul Neary
Inked by Dam De La Rosa
Lettered by Joe Rosen
Colored by Christie Scheele
Edited by Danny Fingeroth and Jim Shooter as Editor-In-Chief
The Saga of Crystar Crystal Warrior #11 - cover date February 1985
Script and Plot by Jo Duffy
Art by Ricardo Villamonte
Lettered by Janice Chiang
Colored by Andy Yanchus
Edited by Ralph Macchio with Jim Shooter as Editor in Chief
Special thanks to the Excelsior Embroidery Co. for helping make this project a reality. Here's this episode's Featured Designs: an Aunt May face patch and a DOOM! sound effect patch from the Walt Simonson run on Thor!
Check us out at The Why Not Pod to leave us a comment or email us at [email protected]; we love to (try to) answer your questions about Alpha Flight!
Produced by Tom Flynn
Assisted by Chris Baker
Music:"Oh, Canada" by Five Iron Frenzy
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