CHEMISTRY : GLOSSARY TERMS : A Complete Guide to the Science Section of the NBE (Funeral Service/D. Penepent's Guide) Guest: Darien Cain

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Sep 30 2024 31 mins  

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Hello again my friends, and fellow future funeral professionals!
We are back with A SUPER useful episode pulled from the glossary found in David Penepent's study guide book, A Complete Guide to the Science Section of the National Board of Funeral Services (First Edition), and my surprise, ever-so amazing Guest, Professor Darien Cain!
If you do not already own a copy of your own study guide by David Penepent, don't fret!
It can be purchased on the D.E.A.D website AND if you use "MEG25" (no "" please, or it will not work) at checkout, you will get $25 off you book! If you would like to purchase his guide for Arts as well, feel free to do two transactions if that code doesn't apply to both- but I was told it SHOULD...but we all know how technology can be at times, right?

Here is the link for where to purchase either, or both, study guide books:

In this episode my dear friend, Professor Darien Cain, took the lead and did her own episode past my intro and goodbye portions, and offers some AMAZING educational material you will literally NOT get anywhere else as it is the BRAND NEW content being introduced to everything! So, dear listener(s), you're getting to hear something before everyone else does! Is that not AWESOME!? I thought you would enjoy that one with me.
Everything she covers will be useful to know for your Science NBE, so I do recommend following her advice and give it another listen or two. Chemistry can seriously either break you or make you during that exam.

I have also started a YouTube Channel to coincide with this Podcast that I highly suggest following and subscribing to if you have not already! I will be offering in-depth visual aids of the various places of worship, casket construction and parts, etc.!
The link to my channel is:

Check out my Patreon to support my show, too;
I’ll be updating it later!

As always, thank you all so much for you continued support!
I plan on embarking on the very difficult journey of religions soon. I've been holding off on purpose because I get super embarrassed if I mispronounce things, so I'm trying to research and write out proper pronunciation FIRT! Same with the rest of the topics I have yet to touch on.
We ARE finally approaching the end of Arts, and soon I can start up on Sciences! I know maaaaany listeners have been eagerly awaiting that section, and trust me I am TRYING to hurry! I appreciate your continued patience!

If you’re interested in supporting the show but don’t want to subscribe, my info is as follows:
@MegOpocensky / $MegOpocensky

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