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You’re pulled in a million directions, huh? Gosh, it’s easy to lose a sense of who we are when this happens - but some people have a solution…
Today’s most successful leaders do one very important thing…they know how to “unforget”.
In this episode Karlee dives into the ancient Greek concept of unforgetting, a powerful idea introduced by Socrates himself.
You know those moments when something just clicks, and you feel inspired or clear?
That’s the magic of unforgetting—and it’s not about gaining more; it’s about remembering what’s already there, and there’s a system for helping this happen.
This week, Karlee shares why the unforgetting of who we are is so important and how to de-clutter the external so you can unforget the internal.
You’ll hear how successful leaders are realigning with their inner knowing by taking the time to be “un-influencers”. You’ll also hear actionable prompts to help you make decisions based on what you know to be true for yourself and for those you lead.
If you’re ready to clear the mental clutter and spark clarity by tapping into your inner knowing, this episode is for you.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- (5:48) What today’s most powerful leaders do differently
- (7:41) Real-life example of one pro leading from her inner compass
- (8:20) Why culmination and reflection is essential for progress
- (11:27) Practical ways to reconnect with your inner wisdom
- (13:38) Prompts to help you unforget this week and lead with purpose this week
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
On Culmination:
Episode 90: Room for Rest: How to Reclaim Your Productive Downtime like a Pro
Episode 73: The Purposeful Pause - How Women Get Colossal Results By Contracting Before We Expand
Kripalu Workshop: Better Boundaries: A Gateway to Authentic Living Nov 15-17th
People Mentioned in this Episode:
Dr. Maria Sirois
Larry Jackson – Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Philosophy Lecturer at Columbia University
Robyn Hannigan - President of Ursinus College, Geologist
Quotes Mentioned in this Episode:
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Authenticity is the collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real, the choice to be honest, the choice to let our true selves be seen.” -Brené Brown
“Put your feet on the earth, feel the ground beneath you.” -Robyn Hannigan
“Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult.” -Warren Bennis
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