Jan 09 2025 48 mins 2
Can our intentions affect matter? Why do words seem to reshape water crystals? Can energy healers make mice live longer or kill cancer cells? And if our thoughts and intentions are powerful, could this be dangerous? In this episode of Curious Explorers, Traci and Kathy dive into some of the science on energy healing in the lab and ponder what that means outside of it.
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Articles referenced in this episode:
Abe, K., Ichinomiya, R., Kanai, T., & Yamamoto, K. (2012). Effect of a Japanese energy healing method known as Johrei on viability and proliferation of cultured cancer cells in vitro. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 18(3), 221-228.
Bengston W, Cizdziel P, Tanaka A, Matsuda H. Differential In Vivo Effects on Cancer Models by Recorded Magnetic Signals Derived From a Healing Technique. Dose-Response. 2023;21(2). doi:10.1177/15593258231179903
Grad B, Cadoret R, Paul G. An unorthodox method of treatment on wound healing in mice. Int J Parapsychol. 1961;3:5-24.
Grad B. A telekinetic effect on plant growth II experiments involving treatment of saline in stoppered bottles. Int J Parapsychol. 1963;5:114-133.
Radin D, Hayssen G, Emoto M, Kizu T. Double-blind test of the effects of distant intention on water crystal formation. Explore (NY). 2006 Sep-Oct;2(5):408-11. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2006.06.004. PMID: 16979104.