Jul 09 2024 5 mins
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Have you ever pondered the profound truth of being created in God's image? In today's episode of Thee First Five, we delve into Genesis 1:26-27 and 31, guiding you through a reflective and serene prayer moment. Picture yourself in a space filled with the boundless love and peace that only Jesus can provide, as you prepare your heart and mind to receive God's word.
I recall a time when the simple act of breathing in God's presence brought me immense peace amidst chaos. Similarly, in this episode, we invite you to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and listen as we read these powerful verses. Imagine hearing God declare all of creation, including you, as "very good." This episode is a gentle reminder of your intrinsic value and unique place in God's wondrous design.
Join us as we marvel with our ancestors in faith at the ongoing activity of God in creation. Set aside the complexities of life for a moment, and let this guided prayer refresh the deepest parts of your being. Embrace your existence as a divine image bearer and find contentment in God's presence.
Thank you for joining us on "Thee First Five". We hope this guided prayer has brought you peace and a sense of God's presence. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review our podcast. Share it with friends and family to help spread the word. Connect with us on social media for more daily inspiration and join our community of believers committed to starting each day with God. Tune in tomorrow for another episode that will help you center your spirit and start your day right.