Oct 31 2024 58 mins
In this podcast episode, Dan and Juz explore the concept of pacing and give it a bit of a re-brand, going through their structure and personal examples to learn how to break down managing your timing, tasks and tolerance more effectively so you can reclaim activities and passions pain may have limited. Effective pacing includes careful planning, task batching, and managing context variables to adjust to fluctuating physical and emotional demands. Key strategies involve scheduling pressure-release activities, monitoring stress, and using graded exposure techniques to build resilience through movement. The episode emphasizes the importance of built in flexibility, encouraging listeners to shift tasks as needed and recognize that flare-ups are a natural part of the process, learning to adapt routines and lean on support networks to manage setbacks and regain your baseline quicker.
00:00 Official Intro
00:18 Intro to Pacing
04:21 Three Components of Planning
09:22 Task Batching vs. Task Switching
14:06 Juz's Schedule Example
18:10 Tolerance
23:03 Techniques to Execute Pacing
31:25 Juz's Chorus Example
33:25 Graded Exposure
38:09 Activity Pacing
39:04 Awareness & Monitoring
45:21 Zone 2 Cardio
48:10 Flare Management
52:48 Create Rest Around Big Toll Items
54:51 Wrap-up
57:57 Disclaimer