In this episode, Rabbi Reinman presents the Rambam’s description of the gradual birth of paganism and explains the motivation of the council of elders that set the process into motion.
Creeping Paganism
For the first few centuries after creation, the human race flourished. The population of the world grew exponentially, but it was still very small and concentrated in Mesopotamia, the land between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. Life was uncomplicated. There was not much competition for food and resources. Disease was unknown. Longevity was common. The world recognized the Creator and worshipped Him.
About seven hundred years after the creation of the world, however, things began to change. The leading figure of that time was Enosh. He convened a council of the elders to consider what must have been an important issue in society. According to the Rambam, this council made an exceedingly grave error that had a profound effect on the world for thousands of years and continues until this very day …