Jul 04 2024 6 mins
This Independence Day, I ask you, to remember what it is to be American. Americans take charge, Americans lead the change they wish to see.
It is the American way to look out for our neighbors, to help those in need, and to constantly strive to better our lives and the lives of those around us.
Goals of this podcast series:
To inspire Americans to come together, to better your individual communities, to give you leadership and encouragement to do so, by sharing community actions plans, best practices and ways you can get involved in your community, alone and together.
To prove to you that one small act, repeated by many, can and will, change the world.
My heartfelt thanks and gratitude go out to all who have fought for our freedoms and to all who choose to stand up for what is right.
Follow along, listen to these podcasts for motivation, join our nationwide team of community warriors by signing up to volunteer your time, money, or resources as we work together to be the change we wish to see in the world.