Jul 18 2024 8 mins
In this episode, you'll learn more about our first statewide community (warrior) initiative -
To End Hunger By Growing More Food
Our mission is simple - mobilizing the citizens of Florida to create more food yards and gardens, in both public and private spaces, so we can ensure everyone has access to fresh, nutritious food.
Not only are we encouraging everyone to get onboard, but we're supplying the tools, education and leadership needed to do it well, and create a lasting difference in our communities.
Unfortunately, we know 1 in 5 children are going hungry and experts fear it's closer to 2 in 5 American children are going hungry, meaning they don't have access to enough food to lead a healthy and active life. Many children are only getting food at school.
This is why we must work together to change this.
It's true, there are many amazing organizations thru out the state distributing food and helping to feed hungry families, however, many of the children going hungry don't have the means to get to food hand-outs, but they do attend school, go to church, visit parks and walk through their neighborhoods, so if we can create more food yards and gardens where food is readily available to them, we can make a huge difference.
We'll be working to add more gardens in both private and public spaces.
❗Listen to today's 8-minute podcast to learn all about the program and how you can help.❗
By growing more food locally, our Florida communities can ensure access to fresh nutritious food, reduce hunger and foster a sense of unity and resilience.
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We’d love to have you join our statewide team of community warriors.
Sign up Form Bit.ly/CommunityWarriorsSignup
Go Fund Link - https://gofund.me/5f2096f6
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