Jan 29 2025 33 mins
Emma Grey joins the podcast, Emma is a grief and life coach, and expert in “Sadmin” , at Rainbow Hunting.
She talks about the work she does with her knowledge as a probate and wills lawyer, she speaks of Simon her husband, his death and how her learning about organising the paperwork had given her an “emotional handrail”
Emma supports people in loss and grief, growing life around grief.
We have a good chat about many of the things a widow deals with and how knowing more about the paperwork associated with
Sadmin, the admin that is emotional is talked about in detail.
We talk about how you can leave behind good information if you are the more organised one in your family.
We chat about writing wills, caterpillar cakes, birthdays and remembering, .
https://www.rainbowhunting.co.uk/ is the place to find Emma
The Good Goobyes , funeral facts podcast.
Ever wondered about what happens at funerals? Have any questions now that you find you have to arrange one? Ever think you might like to know more if you are arranging your own?
Industry experts Simon Savage an independent funeral director from Devon in the UK and Tina Naldrett an independent Celebrant offer advice and myth busting in this informal chat about all things funeral and celebration of life.
Please let us have your questions, like , subscribe and share this podcast.
find Simon and his team here www.ottervalleyfunerals.co.uk
find Tina here. www.camomileceremonies.com