Oct 10 2024 20 mins
NOTE: 2:45 I DID "WORK WITHOUT A SCRIPT" and so need to deconfuse the cabin story. I was 7 years old. There was no artificial light outside the cabin. I sat next to a closed window in the kitchen at night - not "in the dark" - under the bright bulb. I'lll probably re-record that part. Sorry for the confusion.
Jesus came to tell us the Way Things Work. But some things He chose not to say, then. Now, having preached the Gospel to the whole world, all can be said.
Thomas Aquinas, born 1225-27, was a theologian and “Doctor of the Catholic Church.” Aquinas wrote:
Nothing should be denied the blessed that belongs to the perfection of their beatitude…Wherefore in order that the happiness of the saints may be more delightful to them and that they may render more copious thanks to God for it, they are allowed to see perfectly the sufferings of the damned.
Hard to imagine anything more antiChrist than this declaration. Yet, whose writings have formed the basis of all Western Christian Church dogma. Thomism, not Christ.
Aquinas had a Divine experience - a vision. He said to his secretary "Everything I have written is as straw." He repudiated all 8 million-plus words he'd written on all things Christian. He never wrote another word as long as he lived.
Yet, those 8 million were embraced by the Roman Church and Aquinas was exalted as Doctor of the Church and Julian of Norwich was sealed into a cell. Visionaries have been repressed, accused, attacked and executed.
Kyrie believes that last is unlikely to happen to her. Though she did say,
"Pray for us, I'm working without a script! This information is couched in symbols as we have no capacity to fully apprehend it. But in three visions I was shown The Way Things Work. (Things being the Universe of Time and Eternity.)
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CLOUD OF UNKNOWING Evelyn Underhill edition - free
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
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