Feb 19 2025 9 mins
Matthew 13: 45-46
45 As well, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant who sought fine pearls.
46 Who, when he found one pearl of great price, went off to dispose of whatsoever he possessed so to redeem it.
REDEEM: Of many definitions and connotations, these are most relevant here:
gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment; to exchange one thing for another
Kyrie shares a recent vision featuring the pearl as a symbol of the Word and Logos, that which Jesus brought us and how what she calls the "effluvium" —personal and of the world—has almost completely buried that Pearl.
There are many thorn bushes trying to choke out the Light, and the most effective are churches. Like the priests of the Temple in Jerusalem, church leaders insist only they can interpret Scripture. They insist on things Jesus never said and justify sins Jesus commanded us not to commit. They make laws and rules that become the focus of those seeking the Lord, and instead the people hear only music, see only books and believe things made up by men that Jesus did not say or address or that He contradicted.
Denominations exist to support their own existence. We are all responsible for our own salvation, for knowing Him and what He said, for seeking Him in prayer and loving Him in acts of compassion and charity.
Only we can choose to break free of the threats of a hell that never existed over sins He never cared about. Only we can let go of things material and choose Jesus Christ, so that we may become true followers of the Way of the Lord.
Go to a church for fellowship and bake sales. Go to Him for Truth and the path to the Presence of God.
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