Mar 05 2025 37 mins
Discover effective speech therapy techniques to help pre-verbal children develop communication skills! In this episode of Unraveling the Brain, Dr. Josh Madsen sits down with speech-language pathologist Matthew Klein to discuss strategies for parents and professionals working with kids who struggle with verbal communication, including those with autism.
Learn how AAC devices, non-verbal communication cues, and early speech development techniques can unlock a child’s ability to express themselves. If you’re a parent wondering how to support your child’s speech and language development, this conversation is packed with practical tips that can be implemented today.
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Speech & Language Development Milestones: What to Look for at Each Stage
Birth to 3 Months
✔️ Turns head toward sounds
✔️ Reacts to loud noises (startles or quiets)
✔️ Begins making cooing sounds (“ooh” and “ahh”)
✔️ Shows different cries for different needs (hungry, tired, etc.)
4 to 6 Months
✔️ Babbles with different sounds (ba-ba, da-da)
✔️ Laughs and giggles
✔️ Makes sounds in response to voices
✔️ Turns eyes or head toward talking
7 to 12 Months
✔️ Recognizes and responds to their name
✔️ Understands simple words like “no” and “bye-bye”
✔️ Points, waves, claps
✔️ Uses more varied babbling (mamama, dadada)
✔️ Tries to imitate speech sounds
12 to 18 Months
✔️ Says 5-10 words meaningfully
✔️ Understands simple directions (“Get the ball”)
✔️ Points to objects when named
✔️ Uses gestures along with speech attempts
18 to 24 Months
✔️ Uses at least 50 words
✔️ Combines two words (“want cookie”)
✔️ Begins asking simple questions
✔️ Points to body parts when asked
✔️ Understands simple yes/no questions
2 to 3 Years
✔️ Uses simple sentences (3+ words)
✔️ Follows two-step directions (“Get your shoes and come here”)
✔️ Names familiar objects and people
✔️ Asks “what” and “where” questions
✔️ Speech is understood by familiar people most of the time
3 to 4 Years
✔️ Uses full sentences with 4+ words
✔️ Asks lots of questions (“Why? How?”)
✔️ Tells simple stories
✔️ Can have back-and-forth conversations
✔️ Speech is mostly understood, even by strangers
16 Gestures by 16 Months
Matthew Klein also highlighted these essential non-verbal communication skills that predict strong language development:
🔹 Pointing
🔹 Waving
🔹 Clapping
🔹 Showing objects
🔹 Blowing kisses
🔹 Nodding yes/no
🔹 Reaching to be picked up
🔹 Shaking head for “no”
🔹 Giving objects to others
🔹 Raising arms (“pick me up”)
If your child isn’t using these gestures by 16 months, it may be a sign to start early intervention.
The information in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your physician or a qualified healthcare provider regarding any questions about a medical condition or your child’s development. Individual results may vary, and the strategies discussed may not be appropriate for every child. Please consult a healthcare professional before making decisions related to your child’s health or development.
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