Feb 06 2025 73 mins 2
GROUNDBREAKING INTERVIEW WITH UNITED NATIONS WHISTLEBLOWER EMMA REILLY. A story of EXTREME corruption, blackmail, bribery, collusion, abuse, complicity in crimes against humanity, torture, kidnappings, and much much more. Watch/Listen to it all now!
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#unitednations #whistleblower #emmareilly
The United Nations was founded on noble ideals: human rights, peace, and justice. Yet, Emma Reilly, a former UN whistleblower, has painted a chilling portrait of an organization rife with corruption, complicity in atrocities, and a toxic culture that prioritizes bureaucracy and appeasement over its founding principles. This is her story—and it’s one the UN really doesn’t want you to hear. So much so, that they spent millions of dollars trying to brush it under the carpet.
A Culture of Silence and Retaliation
What happens when someone tries to expose the truth within the UN? According to Emma Reilly, the answer is retaliation—swift, brutal, and systematic. Reilly’s revelations have sent shockwaves across any audiences who have heard her story: the UN has been handing over the confidential list of names of dissidents who have been trying to come to the UN for help regarding human rights abuses in China, back over to the Chinese Communist party, knowing full well that this would lead to their, or their families, torture and/or death.
Her story is best summarised by Peter Gallo, who I interviewed in Episode 2. He gives this analogy:
“What people need to understand, the backstory to Emma Reilly's case, imagine if you learned that in the late 1930’s, the German government asked the British government for the names of German Jews, who were trying to seek refuge in Britain, and the British government said, certainly, here are the names. When these people were still in Germany, when these people still had family members back in Germany… You would be shocked, appalled, and horrified. That is what the UN has done with Uyghurs and other individuals who were protesting human rights abuses in China [and seeking the refuge of the UN]. It is complicity in genocide.”