Mar 06 2025 18 mins 3
In this episode of the Red Thread, we’re exposing the truth behind the anti-immigrant lies being spread as “common sense.” These myths about immigration aren't just misconceptions - they're deliberately being used by the ruling class to justify horrific policies and divide workers.
Since Trump’s return to office, his administration has unleashed a wave of anti-immigrant attacks — from mass deportations and militarized borders to shuttered asylum programs and anti-immigrant rhetoric. And while the Democrats' rhetoric is less overtly hostile, they're just as aggressive in terms of policy and sheer number of deportations. In this climate of escalating attacks on immigrant communities, it’s crucial to examine and debunk the persistent myths used to justify these policies and manufacture consent.
And, rather than allowing xenophobic rhetoric to divide and demoralize us, workers must unite across borders to protect immigrants’ rights and fight against capitalist exploitation. Only through solidarity between immigrant and U.S.-born workers can we effectively fight back against the politicians and corporations that profit from exploitation while trying to pit workers against each other.
¡La lucha obrera no tiene fronteras!
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Hosts: Sarah and Emma
Producer: Luigi Morris
Music: Griffin Brown
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