Apr 22 2024 65 mins
Episode 109,
Brought to you in association with our friends at Soccer Coach Weekly (@SoccerCoachWeek)
Episode 109 – What’s too far? A conversation about behaviour in youth grassroots football
In this episode we speak with James Brooks and discuss behaviour in grassroots football.
We look at coach matchday behaviour and what’s changes over the past 5-10 years and discuss some of the reasons. We also look at spectators and players and the role the FA and leagues could and possibly should play in supporting a positive training and playing environment.
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This episode was brought to you in association with our friends at Soccer Coach Weekly.
Established since 2006, Soccer Coach Weekly is a leading source of inspiration and advice for all grassroots coaches. Join thousands of youth soccer coaches, just like you, saving time and effort in their goal of having the most effective, enjoyable and successful coaching journey for them and their players. – https://www.soccercoachweekly.net/
Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoyed the episode!