Jul 27 2020 8 mins
Exercise 19 introduces a new fingering pattern for the right hand using fingers 2 through 5. It couples the fingers 2 and 4 and fingers 3 and 5. When I originally worked through this, I had no problem using fingers 2 and 4, however, fingers 3 and 5 were challenging. After repeating the exercise, my problems with went away. Measure 8 is most challenging because it really works the relation between the middle finger and the pinky.
Left Hand:
The is no change in the left hand; it plays the same bassline as in exercise 18.
Keep playing! If you need a copy of the book, please use the information below to get yourself a copy.
Basic Blues for Piano
By Ron Payne
Copyright (c) 1984 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION
International Copyright Secured All Rights Reserved
Item# 00240075 - US$24.99 - Available for purchase from local music retailers.
Used by Permission of Hal Leonard LLC