Jun 28 2024 67 mins
My guest today is Jess Smith. Jess is a storyteller, author and singer from the Scottish travelling people. She spent much of her childhood living on a bus and travelling around Scotland with her parents and seven sisters, spending evenings around fires listening to the stories carried by the travelling people while the rest of the country was busy forgetting them.
Listening back to the interview, which we recorded a couple of year ago, I’m struck once again by gratitude that I know and get to talk to people who carry such precious heritage and knowledge as Jess, and to introduce you to her. There are very few people left who can remember this way of life, and even fewer with such a gift for describing it.
You can use the chapter marker if you’d like to skip straight to the story, which starts around 40mins in. But I'd highly recommended listening to Jess describe a way of life which is almost gone from this world.
You can learn more about Jess and find links to buy her books here.
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