Sep 16 2021 55 mins
If prayer is just talking to God, then why did Jesus give us a model to follow?
Of course, you can always talk to God, and it is a way of praying for sure. But when the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Lord, teach us to pray,” He didn’t respond, “prayer is just talking to God.” Instead, he said, “This is how you should pray . . .” and then He taught them. This is the part we want to talk about—the how.
If you follow sports at all you’ve probably heard the often-repeated phrase “it’s all about getting back to the fundamentals.” I think the same thing applies regarding prayer. So, maybe it’s time for a review.
In this podcast, Keith goes over some fundamentals of biblical prayer starting with the model Jesus gave us. Keith will look at Jesus' model and the endless ways we can apply it in our everyday lives to let it serve as a foundation—a guide for “all kinds of prayers,” for “all occasions” and praying “in the power of the Spirit.”
To realign with the way Jesus prayed, and the way others prayed in the Bible, can help us become more effective in prayer to see His will and purpose accomplished in our lives, the lives of others, and in the world as well.