Mar 29 2022 43 mins
What does it truly mean when we say closure comes from us and what if we feel like the relationship isn’t really over?
When you really think about it - no one ever really goes away completely. They either live in our minds, our hearts or both.
From time to time we may find ourselves in a chapter in our lives where we may be dealing with a generous amount of unanswered questions and the lingering feeling of not knowing if we made the right choice. From dealing with a relationship ending, to trusting yourself again, and of course the struggles we face when giving and receiving the honest, and at times, brutal truth - we can't help but to desperately search for the closure we need in order to move forward in life.
When focusing on the topic of honesty - I find myself searching for it but am I really ready to receive it - unfiltered and void of it being sugarcoated? How does honesty play a role when seeking closure and what do we do when self trust and self forgiveness are not things that we have yet mastered? How do we not fall into the trap of believing that closure comes from those who have potentially hurt us and where an apology is still pending?
In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Sara Kuburic, who is also better known as the Millennial Therapist for her instagram account where she shares tips and content related to mental health, self reflection and real life human experiences. I am truly grateful to have had this discussion with Sara - and her ability to lead with compassion in answering every question I had asked.
We also discussed the struggles of accepting how others may not even realize what they have done to us, if it’s even possible to go back to who we used to be before certain relationships ended, how self sabotage can sneak it’s way into the decisions that we make for ourselves and so much more!
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