Feb 11 2025 54 mins 5
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Are you considering adopting a baby? To understand what is involved legally, listen to this podcast with James Fletcher Thompson, a South Carolina attorney with extensive experience in adoption.
In this episode, we discuss:
- What are some of the differences in domestic infant adoption?
- Agency and independent (direct placement) adoptions.
- Relative adoptions. (grandparents, aunt/uncles, step-parent).
- Infants or young children adopted from foster care.
- In-state and interstate adoptions.
- Adoptions governed by the federal Indian Child Welfare Act.
- Adoption is governed by state law
- Do the adoptive parents have to comply with the laws of the state where the expectant parent resides, where the baby is born, or where they reside?
- How do federal laws affect adoption?
- How does the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children affect adoption?
- What are some of the reasons parents make an adoption plan for their child?
- Some of the legal issues in adoption from the birth parents' perspective.
- Voluntary vs involuntary relinquishment or termination of parental rights
- When can an expectant mother voluntarily relinquish her parental rights?
- When can an expectant father voluntarily relinquish his parental rights?
- Do the expectant parents have to have their own legal representations?
- What if the expectant parent is a minor?
- How long after they sign the papers do the birth parents have to change their mind?
- Do they have to have a reason to change their mind?
- What happens if the expectant mom cannot or will not identify the baby's father?
- Is counseling important?
- Some of the legal issues in adoption from the adoptive parents' perspective.
- The home study/background check requirement.
- Can work with an adoption agency or an adoption attorney.
- What is the process if the agency/attorney finds the expectant parent who is considering placing her baby for adoption?
- What is the process if the prospective adoptive parent finds the expectant parent?
- Can adoptive parents “advertise” to find expectant mothers who are considering placing their baby for adoption?
- What is a legal risk adoption?
- What rights do the adoptive parents have before the expectant parents relinquish their rights?
- What are some factors that affect the cost of adoption?
- In-state vs. interstate
- Expectant mother support
- Expectant father identification and cooperation.
- Indian Child Welfare Act
- Biological father in active military service
- Pre-Birth/Pre-Placement Process
- May be able to meet in person to get to know one another.
- How much information is exchanged about both the expectant parents and adoptive parents? Medical history, finances, etc.
- How can adoptive parents know if they are being given all the informatio
Please leave us a rating or review. This podcast is produced by www.CreatingaFamily.org. We are a national non-profit with the mission to strengthen and inspire adoptive, foster & kinship parents and the professionals who support them.
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