Aug 30 2023 104 mins
Aloha friends and welcome to EPISODE 130 of the Conrad Podcast, which was recorded in Austin, Texas. In this solo show, I review and go more in-depth with several clips from my podcast appearance on the Let's Be Friends Podcast with Kara Mosher and Nick Hinton. I Dive into the disease of the external savior programming that has plagued humanity since the inception of civilization. Enjoy!
The Full Episode of the Let's Be Friends Podcast I pulled clips from can be found HERE:
During this episode we dig into: Bob Ross, Creative Passion, Anthony Bourdain, External Heroes, Savior Complex, Jonah and the Whale, Success, Anxiety, Burning Bridges, Debating Christianity, Jesus Christ + along with so much MORE.
Personal Links
@conradg315 (Twitter)
I AM Conrad (Youtube)
@conradg315 (Instagram)
@powerofnow888 (Instagram)
Interactive Episode
Lucid Sacred Dreams
EMAIL: [email protected]
Also, here are links to some recent interviews where I was the guest on other podcasts:
Let's Be Friends with Kara Mosher and Nick Hinton
Intro/Outro music is a lifetime licensed product for the Conrad Podcast from and is called “Prepare Yourself” by Moments.