Feb 20 2025 41 mins 16
Today Alex discusses the concept of self-esteem; including core components of self-esteem, how poor self-esteem can affect your life and how people's self-esteem becomes disrupted through the lens of different psychological theories. We also discuss different interventions one could consider to improve their self-esteem, any why good self-esteem is essential for a successful life.
Further reading:
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden
Neurosis and Human Growth by Karen Horney
On Becoming a Person by Carl Rogers
Gestalt therapy – excitement and growth of the human personality by Perls
Hefferline, Goodman
Games people Play by Eric Berne
I’m OK - you’re OK by Thomas Harris
Self-compassion meditation:
Audio-essay by Dr. Alex Curmi. Dr. Alex is a consultant psychiatrist and a UKCP registered psychotherapist in-training.
If you would like to invite Alex to speak at your organisation please email [email protected] with "Speaking Enquiry" in the subject line.
Alex is not currently taking on new psychotherapy clients, if you are interested in working with Alex for focused behaviour change coaching , you can email - [email protected] with "Coaching" in the subject line.
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