Jun 10 2024 34 mins 35
This is episode number 22 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic specifically for the husbands. I have been working with a lot of husbands lately and many of them are fighting. Many of them are struggling…so I am going to repurpose a message that I put out way back in 2016 when many of you never knew me.
Today’s episode will be slightly different as I will be talking specifically to husbands about the battles that we face. See this as more of a coaching sessions for all of my husband listeners. And if you are a wife, share this with your husband…most likely he could use some encouragement.
So hang tight and take good notes as I discuss this during this podcast episode.
See you on the inside of the Marriage Counselor's Corner!
Don't forget to purchase my recent book here:
The 37 Laws to Mastering Marriage