May 23 2024 87 mins
It is Wednesday May 22, 2024 (the day before the potent Gemini-Sagittarius Full Moon), and we now offer Mark Lerner Astrology Predictions 2024: Part 4 with a Major Focus on the Ramifications of The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8 exactly conjunct Chiron, the recent Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction on April 20 -21 in Taurus, and a new focus on the War between Israel & Hamas. This new podcast includes the chart for the USA horoscope from The Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, The USA Progressed New Moon horoscope for March 31, 2024, the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (exactly united with Chiron) on April 8, 2024), the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus on April 20 - 21, the chart for the next Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2025, & now the horoscopes for Iran & Israel in the folder for this Podcast #124.
Go to the Mark Lerner Astrology Radio AstroScope podcast section of our website at in order to open the folders containing horoscopes for all my podcasts. Important Note: Go to folder #120 where 5 of the above charts are located and go to folder #124 for the Iran & Israel charts and a cover image of my Welcome to Planet Earth astrology magazine 14th Anniversary issue focusing on Jupiter’s Exact 83-year cycle. Overall, this is podcast #124 offered to the public since May 2019.