Sep 30 2024 99 mins
This Episode is Titled The Wrap Up, “Who The Hell Is Tony D’Amato”
Tony, Al and Joey are hosting this exciting Season Finale.
Together they will explain the bombshell news about who Tony D’Amato is.
The case against Ken Bianchi will be wrapped up today as you will hear details about Tony’s visit with Ken’s mom Frances back in 2010.
Tony has never revealed the shocking detail of this visit until now.
Once again Bianchi will reveal his true character as his psychopathy will show through in his conversations with Tony. The man lies about everything and even his mother says it’s been going on since childhood.
Frances calls Tony her adopted son. The listeners will be treated to seeing and hearing Tony’s final goodbye to Frances as he serenades her with Elvis Presley’s Love Me Tender during his final visit to her nursing home.
Tony had many phone conversations with the Hillside Strangler, Ken Bianchi and his mom Frances.
Video Footage is shared of Tony singing Love Me Tender to Bianchi’s mom Frances.
Only On Murder Phone