Apr 07 2024 82 mins
Hey, ya'll, we're back!! Life has been "lifing" for both of us. So let's catch up:
Erin has accomplished a 20-year-old goal and gained an angel, and her little broke best friend is now talking in complete sentences.
K'Shana finished what she started, has a new bundle of joy, and is spreading her Black Girl Magic and Influence.
*A Daydreamers' Podcast is a reminder to do what makes you happy*
SHARE WITH THE DAYDREAMERS - Have comments & thoughts on the most recent episode? Have a question? Send your commentary via email at [email protected]. Or DM us on social media, comment on our multiple streaming platforms, text us, or send an owl (for our fellow Harry Potter fans). Just let us know!
We will read your letters and answer your questions in our "Ask the Daydreamers" segment. *Note: We are not professionals! This is for entertainment purposes only!!*
Podcast Deets:
Website - bit.ly/ADaydreamersPodcast
FB, IG, & TikTok - @ADaydreamersPodcast
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All Social Media @LoveErinAD
K'shana's Deets
All Social Media: @KHDStudios
Website: khdstudios.com
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