Jan 07 2025 51 mins
Have you thought about how your words create you and your world? No matter what you answer, Trevor Timbeck will help you gain a better understanding of this power we all have if we choose to use it well.
Trevor co-authored The Power of Systems with Steve Chandler. You’ll recognize the book and Steve’s name from episode 300 of the podcast. In this episode, we discussed the book and how it ties in with who you are BEING and what you’re CREATING in the world.
Trevor is an absolutely remarkable human being, with important insights not just on the power of systems, but on life itself. You’re going to want to give this your full attention because you’ll hear many valuable ideas to reflect on.
Trevor has a deep technical background and started his career as a software engineer. He was promoted to leadership roles and eventually became head of Sales and then Chief Talent Officer with a large IT company. Today Trevor is a very successful leadership coach.
You’ll discover:
- Significant lessons Trevor learned in his leadership journey
- How Trevor weaves together love, language, and leadership when coaching his clients
- What he learned from his first coach that transformed the way he led
- The difference between language as coordinating behavior and language as communicating information
- Why Trevor says our words create our world
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