Don’t Over Complicate Your Marketing
Paul Counts and Shreya Banerjee rock the mic together today with their episode on The Marketing Counts Podcast. Today they will discuss how to simplify your marketing to outperform your competition. With their combined experience turning $8 million companies into $42 million companies, Shreya and Paul let us in on the little known secret that will allow you to eliminate all complexity from your business and replace it with clarity and successful marketing campaigns.
In this episode you will learn:
- How to simplify your marketing to outperform the competition.
- How to cut through the noise and determine which aspects of your business you should NOT automate.
- How to identify traffic sources that will bring people to you and not the other way around.
Show Notes:
[1:02] How to simplify your marketing.
- Step #1 don’t overthink it! Marketing is simple.
- How they took one of their clients from$ 8 million to over $42 million in sales through simplification.
- “What truly counts is the sales results driven by your marketing” - Paul Counts
[2:31] Overcomplication happens in every step of the business process.
- Shreya recounts her corporate career and the overcomplication that happened in the production process as well as the marketing processes in massive companies.
- Walk before you run. Marketing is a slow and steady process. - Shreya Banerjee
- “What are the intangibles that add up to big wins in your business?” Paul Counts
- Our systems that work to simplify the system.
[6:23] What are your long term and short term goals?
- We often jump right to the long term goal before we have analyzed the process.
- “Get your process on paper before you try to digitize the process.
- Do you know why you have automation in place? Get rid of the automation mentality.
- “Automation is the natural progression of a company. Don’t force it.” - Shreya Banerjee
[9:48] How to avoid the “tech overwhelm” in today’s marketing automation world.
- Don’t worry about the new tech tool or process that your competitors are chasing. Instead, focus on the things that are already making you money.
- Paul tells the story of how they 6Xed the amount of event tickets sold by a company by taking out fancy software and spreadsheets. A competitor would have spent 40X what Paul and Shreya Spent to get these tickets sold.
- They take proven methods
- Go watch our Foundation, Traffic, Engagement episode!
[13:29] You don’t want to start traffic first.
- Yale will teach you to do traffic first, which works in a Fortune 50 company, but not in a smaller business.
- Working with a large Fortune 50 company focuses their efforts on exposure campaigns. On the local level an agent needs direct leads and thus needs direct marketing approaches.
[16:39] Treat your business like building a house
- You need landing pages built with the right messaging BEFORE you start sending traffic.
- With traffic, don’t seek eyeballs, seek clicks. (people who actively click your ads)
[18:32] The only thing you should care about is the RESULTS.
- In the early stages, don’t worry about having the latest and greatest
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