Welcome to Season Five of Warrior Nation! This time we're talking to anti-militarist activists from around the world to learn their motivations, strategies and tactics. The last few years have shown us nothing if not that militarism is on the rise globally, making it more important than ever that voices critical of war and the military have a platform.
Kathy Kelly is a renowned American peace activist, a founding members of Voices in the Wilderness, and, until the campaign closed in 2020, a co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. As part of peace team work in several countries, she has traveled to Iraq twenty-six times, notably remaining in combat zones during the early days of both US–Iraq wars.
Her recent activism has focused on Afghanistan, Yemen, Gaza and US drone policy. She has been arrested more than sixty times, and written of her experiences among targets of US military bombardment and inmates of US prisons. She joined us in mid-March, ahead of the UN ceasefire vote.
You can read about her current anti-arms trade campaign Merchants of Death here and find out about supporting the Afghan Peace Volunteers here.
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Music by Esion Noise.