Mar 17 2023 31 mins
In this episode, Kristen speaks with Archduke Eduard Habsburg, Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See, about his forthcoming book The Habsburg Way.
Eduard outlines seven rules for a holy and happy life, including:
- Get Married (and have lots of children)
- Be Catholic (and practice your faith)
- Believe in the Empire (and subsidiarity)
- Die Well (and have a memorable funeral!)
We discuss several noteworthy figures from his ancestry, and how each of these principles guided both their public and private lives.
Learn about:
- The tensions between the Faith and diplomacy
- The recipe for a successful Catholic marriage
- The differing Habsburg reactions to the Reformation and the Enlightenment, and how these affected the Church
- The principle of subsidiarity as the bedrock of governance
- How the United States and the Habsburg Empire are more alike than you think!