Jul 06 2023 24 mins
Welcome to the forth episode of our SHE Talks podcast a captivating discussion hosted by Gaby Martineau. Join us as we dive into the intriguing story of Elizabeth J. Magie Phillips, the brilliant mind behind the iconic Monopoly game.
In this episode, Gaby is joined by Julia Mattucci, Dan DeAlmeida and Laura Ferguson. Together, they embark on a journey through time and unravel the mysteries surrounding Lizzie Magie's life and her groundbreaking invention.
Topics and questions discussed in this podcasts are:
- Any particular topics that resonate or inspire you from Lizzie’s story?
- Lizzie was a pioneer in her own time with multiple patents under her name, not an easy feat for a woman at that time in history. What do you think it took to be the “first” to achieve something like this at the time? What sort of pressure do you think she felt?
- Lizzie was unfortunately not credited for inventing Monopoly until present day. Do you think she should have fought harder to be credited? Was it even possible for her to fight at that time?
- Do you think Lizzie would have been able to create this board game in today’s economy? How would it be received?
- Have you ever played Monopoly? Do you like it? Why or why not?
Our Beazley SHE (Successful, High Potential, Empowered women in Insurance) network, is pivotal in supporting our gender initiatives. They support women internally and externally within the industry and provide opportunities for personal and professional development. The Beazley SHE network is open to everyone, regardless of gender, across the business.