I met Brian several years ago through mutual friends in the sober community. Immediately found out we shared the common affinity for golf and good times. Ive heard his story and have seen some of his work but not until recently after playing several rounds did I convince him to come on the show.
His journey is one of challenge and heartache. A seasoned hockey player at a young age and talent for hockey had him prepped for greatness and leaving his small community in South Boston. Through many trials his hockey career faded as his passion for drugs and alcohol became greater. He was no stranger to consequences and pain from his decisions and after years of trouble and strife he landed back in his hometown living in a halfway house with three other sober men fighting for his life.
By staying the course and listening to other sober men, he dove back into work and with his connections found opportunities that took him all over the world. Today he spends his time working with others in the coaching and consulting fields, has appeared in several blockbuster films as well as consulted on several scripts. He doesn't believe in coincidence but in God shots where God acts anonymously in his life and has provided him with so many fantastic opportunities.
If you want to reach out and have questions or want to work with Brian you can connect with him on instagram @bsinsoflo. We hope you enjoy the show!