How to Deal With a Toxic Workplace and Office Bullying

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Nov 14 2024 10 mins   3

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Episode 267 helps you to deal with a toxic work environment. Many of my clients say they are seeking a career change because of a Toxic Workplace. Have you experienced one? We know they exist, and sadly, many of us may be tolerating one right now, or have survived by escaping from one.

In fact, the topic has been discussed so frequently that I’ve released a video post on my LinkedIn profile covering toxic workplaces and office bullies.

If you’re stuck with an office bully or “white ant” - that sneaky, termite-like colleague who gnaws away at your sanity while maintaining a false façade of support – in this episode I’ll provide a few tips on how to navigate the situation without losing your self-respect.

I was in a toxic environment in my career many years ago and, having only chosen to work in environments where I shared common values prior to that, this negative environment took me by surprise and I couldn’t believe how much it affected me.

I remember dreading Mondays and going in to work I would feel tearful before I arrived in anticipation of the stresses I would encounter. By the end of the day I was exhausted and unhappy. I simply couldn’t understand why, as a natural collaborator, I was in such a competitive, aggressive and non-supportive environment.

I hadn’t expected that the job spec would change so much when the incredible, warm and wonderfully supportive leader who hired me left the business (they must have seen the writing on the wall!), and a new leader took their place.

That new leader meant that everything changed. Culture, expectations, and a highly competitive, fearful and ‘blame’ environment developed.

My husband asked me why I didn’t just quit but I told him, “I’m not a quitter!” I was such a martyr!

However I soon realised that I couldn’t change anything but my own reactions, and for my own wellbeing and mental health I had to get out of that environment.

If you find yourself in a toxic environment, this episode covers some strategies to help you cope.

To make a successful Career Change, book a session with me at

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