28. Pete Dyson, Behavioural Scientist, Author and Speaker on travel behaviour.

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May 31 2023 75 mins  

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In this episode of the Real World Behavioural Science Podcast, my colleague Dr Tiago Moutela Tiago Moutela and I get geeky with Pete around behavioural science and transport. ​

​A self-confessed “transport enthusiast”, Pete’s work has spanned the private sector; as one of the founding team members of the Ogilvy UK Behavioural Science Team, to the public sector; building a team of behavioural scientists at the Government's Department for Transport (DfT), United Kingdom, and finally to academia at the University of Bath; where he’s seeking to understand more about the psychology of decision making around transport. ​

​Having co-authored a book with behavioural science advertising oracle, Rory Sutherland, Pete is one of the UK’s foremost experts in designing transport solutions in response to human behaviour. ​

​The aim of his latest research is to provide a more accurate picture of what is going on – albeit a much messier, more complex, and nuanced picture - from which decision makers can base investment and design decisions. ​

​Some of the key points the discussion covers includes:​

👉 The often-false assumptions around behaviour relating to travel​

👉The importance of reframing & asking the right questions​

👉The social implications & influences affecting the way we travel​

👉The importance of diversity in decision making​

👉 Managing stakeholder expectations relating to behavioural science​

👉 The importance of collaboration between transport & health​

​Pete remains excited about how much more we could understand about people from the data we could access. We look forward to following his work at Bath University!​

​The podcast is delivered as usual in partnership with the Behavioural Science and Public Health Network (BSPHN).