May 31 2023 75 mins
In this episode of the Real World Behavioural Science Podcast, my colleague Dr Tiago Moutela Tiago Moutela and I get geeky with Pete around behavioural science and transport.
A self-confessed “transport enthusiast”, Pete’s work has spanned the private sector; as one of the founding team members of the Ogilvy UK Behavioural Science Team, to the public sector; building a team of behavioural scientists at the Government's Department for Transport (DfT), United Kingdom, and finally to academia at the University of Bath; where he’s seeking to understand more about the psychology of decision making around transport.
Having co-authored a book with behavioural science advertising oracle, Rory Sutherland, Pete is one of the UK’s foremost experts in designing transport solutions in response to human behaviour.
The aim of his latest research is to provide a more accurate picture of what is going on – albeit a much messier, more complex, and nuanced picture - from which decision makers can base investment and design decisions.
Some of the key points the discussion covers includes:
👉 The often-false assumptions around behaviour relating to travel
👉The importance of reframing & asking the right questions
👉The social implications & influences affecting the way we travel
👉The importance of diversity in decision making
👉 Managing stakeholder expectations relating to behavioural science
👉 The importance of collaboration between transport & health
Pete remains excited about how much more we could understand about people from the data we could access. We look forward to following his work at Bath University!
The podcast is delivered as usual in partnership with the Behavioural Science and Public Health Network (BSPHN).