Feb 05 2020 86 mins
Episode 16 of the Smarter Landlording Podcast starts a new series called Conversations With Real Estate Investors. Conversations With Real Estate Investors is exactly what it sounds like, a conversation with a real estate investor who is actively working in and on their investing business.
Episode 16 begins this conversation series by sitting down and talking with fellow landlord Delois Brown. Delois has been building up her portfolio of rental properties here in Memphis, TN for the past dozen or so years. Since that time she has earned her stripes as a real estate investor and she shares part of her real estate investing journey with me today on the show.
The conversation begins by talking with Delois about how she got into real estate and better yet, why she largely got into real estate after she retired from her full-time job of 30 years! Delois had a great job that she generally liked with the great salary that nearly everyone strives for. She had a family and two kids. Many of us would have said that Delois had it all. But, even having it all, she still felt there was more to life and that real estate would be able to provide it for her. What more did she want? Listen in to find out and to hear about the many lessons that both Delois and myself have learned as we bought, rehabbed and managed rental properties.
Our conversation touches on many topics, including:
· The advantages of having a real estate license.
· Understanding and timing the real estate market. Maybe buy in bulk?
· Buying properties at tax sales and the issues that can come with them.
· Who you should talk to before buying that investment property.
· The Section 8 Program. A guaranteed check but with strings attached.
· We even got into Air B and B and how you “live on your ratings.”
This podcast episode runs a little long, but that is only because the conversation was great and there was so much information discussed. Delois has built up a outstanding business for herself and her family. She definitely provides great Advice From Experience.