Jan 19 2025 12 mins
Mary Stone shares the methods and importance of encouraging self-seeding to help wildlife. And reflects on the joy of seed catalog shopping and creating a vision board for your garden. The episode concludes with a reflection on Martin Luther King Jr Day, honoring his wisdom that "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." Let us all do our part by self-seeding love.
Thanks for tuning in!
Related Posts and Podcasts you'll enjoy:
Encouraging Self-Seeding - Blog Post
Spring Urges Satisfied by Seed Shopping - Blog Post
Seeds Rooted in Love - Blog Post
Ep 114. We are all Seeds Rooted in Love
Coretta Scott King Forest - Blog Post
Ep 40. The Coretta Scott King Forest
Ep 125. Late-Season Bloomers-Glorious Goldenrod
I'd love to hear your garden and nature stories and your thoughts about topics for future podcast episodes. You can email me at [email protected].
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Thank you for sharing the Garden of Life,
Mary Stone, Columnist & Garden Designer
More about the Podcast and Column:
Welcome to Garden Dilemmas, Delights, and Discoveries.
It's not only about gardens; it's about nature's inspirations, about grasping the glories of the world around us, gathering what we learned from mother nature, and carrying these lessons into our garden of life. So, let's jump in in the spirit of learning from each other. We have lots to talk about.
Thanks for tuning in, Mary Stone
Garden Dilemmas? AskMaryStone.com
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