Jan 13 2025 25 mins
Transformative Self-Reflection: A Journey Toward God-Honoring Love :: [Ep. 248]
Are you merely following the rules, or is your heart truly engaged in your marriage? This episode uncovers the pitfalls of superficiality, drawing from the example of the Pharisees. True change starts from within, and prayer is your compass. By understanding marriage as a reflection of God's love, grounded in passages like Matthew 23 and Genesis, we explore how prayerful guidance can lead you down the narrow path of truth and wisdom. This journey promises not just resilience against life's challenges but also a deeper, more purposeful foundation for your relationship.
Come listen and learn more today to learn not only how to help your own marriage but how to be a better help to a friend's struggling marriage.
For episode transcripts, click HERE.
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