Jan 06 2025 78 mins 4
Cersei’s day goes from an extreme high to an extreme low. She airs the charges against Margaery to the entire court and knows the young queen is in hot water now. However, when Cersei visits the High Septon she discovers that she might’ve cooked her own goose as well. Mackelly and Simon take the temperature of the situation.
Chapter Review:
Queen Cersei Lannister sits in the throne room surrounded by a full court of spectators. She baits the septa representing the High Septon into revealing the charges against Queen Margaery Tyrell and her cousins. They are serious and salacious. The crowd buzzes like a bee hive. Later, Cersei and Taena Merryweather visit the Great Sept of Baelor to meet with the Tyrell girls.
Margaery is confused and pleads with Cersei to take her and her cousins back to the Red Keep. Cersei informs Margaery of the charges against the Tyrells and that a trial is impending. She explains that Margaery can request a trial by combat, but her champion must be of the Kingsguard. Margaery becomes furious with Cersei and kicks her out of her cell.
Cersei visits the High Septon and is happy that they agree that the Faith should conduct the Tyrell trials. She wants to take Ser Osney Kettleblack back to the Red Keep but the High Septon forbids it. He takes her to Osney. She finds the knight strung up and tortured. Osney admits he killed the previous High Septon on Cersei’s command. Cersei is imprisoned and will face a trial herself. She has Qyburn pen a letter to Jaime imploring him to return and defend her.
Cersei Lannister - Mother to King Tommen, Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms.
King Tommen Baratheon - Child king of the Seven Kingdoms.
Taena Merryweather - Social-climbing friend of Queen Cersei.
Orton Merryweather - Judiciar and now Hand of the King.
Aurane Waters - Grand Admiral, bastard of house Velaryon.
Margaery Tyrell - Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Only daughter of Mace and Alerie Tyrell.
Qyburn - Creepy as all hell fallen maester, now Master of Whisperers in King’s Landing.
Osney Kettleblack - Wooer of Margaery. Confessor of crimes on Cersei's behalf.
Maggy the Frog - Witch who made a prophecy to Cersei that continues to match reality.
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