Jan 09 2024 15 mins
Join us on an awe-inspiring expedition, as we wander through the wild heart of Australia's Kimberley region with our esteemed guest, Peter Hillary. A seasoned explorer with an infectious zest for adventure, Peter takes us on a vicarious journey, tracing his footprints from the rugged terrains of Mount Everest to the untouched expanses of Kimberley. With captivating anecdotes, he underscores the rejuvenating power of stepping out of our comfort zones and into uncharted territories. Listen closely as Peter recounts the breathtaking resilience of nature in the absence of human interference, a humbling reminder of our duty to tread lightly and intelligently on this Earth.
Venturing further, we delve into the rich tapestry of indigenous storytelling and my own thrilling mountaineering experiences. Discover the mesmerizing power of a well-told story - the cadence, the timing, and the enunciation. Relive the adrenaline-fueled tales from my own expeditions, which range from the perilous West Ridge of Mount Everest to the stark solitude of a snow cave perched at 24 and a half thousand feet. This episode is not just an exploration of remote locations, but a celebration of human endurance, spirit, and our shared heritage of storytelling. Come along for this unforgettable journey, where every step unfolds a new adventure and a fresh perspective.