Jan 29 2024 24 mins
As I get older, I can't help but think about the whole weight and body image thing. I've had my share of ups and downs when it comes to my body, and I'm sure you can relate.
But you know what I've come to realize? It's all about embracing and loving yourself, no matter what size you are. ❤️
Let's collectively ditch the overthinking about our size and celebrate our bodies for all the amazing things they can do! 🎉 So here's to self-love, acceptance, and rocking our unique sizes with style and grace!
The Peleton Post from @iamicaniwillido: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2cu4k7rKHT/?igsh=MWpwbnhhb2Y4ODE5ag==
Dietitian Anna's Post @dietitiananna : https://www.instagram.com/p/CvhXo8zuUYO/?igsh=MTFsbmhtc282dTZ5OQ==
Thank you all so much for listening!
It makes me happy to know that my journey and what I'm learning helps you!
Please reach out and share anytime on Insta: @iamshanarecker
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